30 Sep

Who would ever have envisaged one year ago that the world would be slowly emerging 

from the savage grasp of a pandemic? But we are not out of the woods yet.  Covid has 

touched every one of us whether by the effects of lockdown, health, work, education or 

socially. This is a true change event.  We will find it difficult to return to life as it was 

before Covid struck. 

Let us not forget that change is the biggest driver for new beginnings, change offers new 

opportunity, new direction, innovation and optimism.

I am sure, that during lockdown we all took a good long look at the space we call home. 

Our lives, once full of social activity, where our homes were used as a base between 

activity, work, socialising, education, fitness, sleep, friends or family – suddenly became 

home centric. Our houses or apartments were catapulted to being the centre within 

which we all had to accommodate every activity! 

Once the lockdown started to ease it was evident that people had become disenchanted 

with their spaces, a fact that was borne out in the endless queues at our DIY and well 

known furnishings stores.

So what does a Post Covid home look like, has Covid changed the way that we will live in 

our homes in the long term?

Could it be that people begin to recognise the value of good interior design? Where the 

space is designed to accommodate all the requirements that may be asked of it.  Good 

design, is not always about how a space looks but it involves your expectations of how 

the space should work in order to enhance your quality of life.

We have taken a quick look at some of the areas and changes that Covid may have 

played a part in redefining.

And Relax ….

We have through lockdown understood the importance of mental care and spaces that 

offer silence, relaxation and Zen like ambience, a space for sanctuary.  Comfortable 

seating in a quiet corner, may be all the space that you can afford to give to this – but 

design it right and it will be enough. 

Focus on comfort, fabrics, texture, lighting and furniture that helps to define the space.

Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

Work Smart….

Working from home is going to become the norm for those that can.  Although home 

working or smart working has been around for a long time, it is a practice which will be 

adopted by more companies. Not only does it reduce the corporate burden of office 

space, but it has climatic and time efficiencies to offer.  Think of all those people not 

travelling to work in the rush hour, and gaining that travel time back to-do personal 


It seems likely that dedicated working spaces within homes will become a requirement, 

not just a temporary fix. 

Focus on ergonomic furniture, storage, the ability to close the space off at the end of the 

day, clean interior design for video conferencing, lighting and soundproofing.

Photo by Paige Cody on Unsplash

Virtually At The Gym....

Covid has seen an explosion in online virtual exercise classes, you can zoom or you tube 

your way to virtually any exercise that takes your fancy.  Sofas have been pushed to 

corners of rooms, rugs rolled up and chandeliers taken down, all in the name of exercise. 

However with the risks associated with the reopening of gyms and Covid, many people 

have started to investigate how they can define a space within the home dedicated to 


Focus on space, head clearance, flooring, hygiene, technology access, air flow, 

soundproofing, sound system and storage.

Photo by Meghan Holmes on Unsplash

We Don’t Need No Education…

Education has been at the forefront of many families’ minds, the education of their 

children has been impacted severely by Covid.  Some schools have run online classes, or 

provided work for parents to print off and give to their children.  Other parents have 

moved to online based schooling permanently in order to prevent any future lapses in 

education.  A space in which your children can educate, prepare and develop work within 

the home is essential. 

Focus on dedicated spaces within bedrooms, good furniture, lighting, access to 

technology, privacy and design for video conferencing and audio.

Photo by Domenico Loia on Unsplash

Your Place Or Mine….

Outdoor entertaining areas have become the order of the day.  As lockdown restrictions 

have been lifted, so has the focus on entertaining outside.  A few plastic chairs on a 

couple of stone slabs just isn’t going to cut it.

Focus on a carefully designed outdoor space, with seating, dining area, cooking area, 

shelter, heat, sound, outdoor rugs and lighting in order to bring all your friends and family 

together safely.

We have only touched on a few of the ways in which Covid may lead us to design, and 

utilise our home space differently, follow me on Instagram to continue the journey into a 

post Covid world.

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